• Stachys sylvatica 'Hedge Woundwort' [Ex. Co. Durham, England] 100+ SEEDS


    Stachys sylvatica 

    'Hedge Woundwort'

    [Ex. Co. Durham, England]

    Lamiaceae/Labiatae: a roughly hairy perennial with creeping stems, upright flower stalks, and an unpleasant smell to the whole plant when bruised. Grows in hedgerows, wayside ground and verges, often on disturbed soil. Flowers are an attractive reddish purple, with white markings on the lower lip, in open terminal spikes, blooming from June to August. Widespread and common throughout much of the UK.



    The whole herb is styptic, applied externally to wounds etc., it is also said to have been used as a diuretic, emmenagogue and a tonic. A tough fibre is obtained from the stem, which has commercial possibilities. A yellow dye is also obtained from the plant.



    Sow in late summer or autumn as the seed requires a period of chilling to break dormancy.


    HARVESTED: 2020

    APPROX. 100+ SEEDS