• Helleborus foetidus 'Stinking Hellebore' [Ex. Pirineos Orientales 1950 m., Spain] 30 SEEDS


    Helleborus foetidus

    'Stinking Hellebore'

    [Ex. Pirineos Orientales 1950 m., Spain]

    Ranunculaceae: a rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial to 60cm, with erect stems. Found in woods, scrub and sunny banks on moist chalk and limestone soils. the flowers are nodding, usually purple-edged, pale green, to 2cm in width are borne in large open clusters. Blooming from February – April. The leaves palmately divided, narrow dark green leaflets. Native to Western and southern Europe, including Britain, from Belgium to Spain and Italy.



    A very toxic plant that is considered to be useful for reducing blood pressure in various conditions of hypertension. The root contains the alkaloids nervine, pseudo-nervine and veratridine. The root has anthelmintic, cardiac, cathartic, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, irritant, violently narcotic and a drastic purgative property. A decoction of the roots is used as a parasiticide against body lice, and fleas.


    Sow seeds as early in the year as possible, it usually germinates in the autumn to spring. Seed can take 18 months to germinate. When they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and grow them on in a lightly shaded position in the greenhouse for their first winter. Plant them out into their permanent positions in late spring or early summer, after the last expected frosts. This species produces flowering plants in 2 - 3 years from seed.

    NOTES: Seeds sown September germinated in March.

    Succeeds in any good garden soil, preferring a moist well-drained rich loam in a sheltered position in partial shade. Plants are suitable for naturalizing in a woodland garden.

    WARNING: All or parts of this plant are poisonous.


    HARVESTED: 2021