• Chrysanthemum coronarium [Syn. Glebionis coronaria] 'Crown Daisy' [Ex. Lindos, Rhodes, Greece] 50 SEEDS


    Glebionis coronaria 'Crown Daisy'

    (Syn. Chrysanthemum coronarium)

    [Ex. Lindos, Rhodes, Greece]

    Asteraceae: an erect annual to 75cm. Found on fields, and waste ground. The flowers are daisy-like, some may be entirely yellow, or yellow towards their bases and white towards their tips. Blooming from July-September. The leaves are pinnately divided. Native to the Mediterranean, being most common in the east.



    The young shoots and stems are eaten raw or cooked. They have a strongly aromatic flavour. The flowers can be used raw, blanched briefly and added to salads. The centre of the flower is bitter so only the petals are normally use.

    The leaves have expectorant and stomachic properties.



    Surface-sow in spring to early autumn in situ. The seed usually germinates within 10 - 18 days at 15°C. Successional sowings can be made at intervals of a few weeks to ensure a constant supply of young plants. Autumn sowings succeed in mild areas. An autumn sowing under cover will often supply leaves all winter.

    Succeeds in ordinary garden soil, but it prefers a well-drained fertile soil in full sun. It will tolerate light shade in the summer. Plants withstand light frosts.

    Attractive to bees.


    HARVESTED: 2020