• Centaurium erythraea 'Common Centaury' [Ex. Co. Durham, England] 300+ SEEDS

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    Centaurium erythraea 

    'Common Centaury'

    [Ex. Co. Durham, England]

    Gentianaceae: a variable, hairless annual to 25cm. found in dry, grassy places, including verges, chalk downland and sand dunes. The pink flowers open fully only in sunshine, blooming from June-September. Widespread and common except in Scotland. Native to most of Europe, including Britain, from Sweden to the Mediterranean and east to S. W. Asia.



    The plant is used as a flavouring in bitter herbal liqueurs and is an ingredient of vermouth.

    One of the most useful bitter herbs, centaury strengthens digestive function, especially within the stomach. By increasing stomach secretions it hastens the breakdown of food, it also stimulates the appetite and increases bile production. The plant needs to be take over a number of weeks and an infusion should be slowly sipped so that the components can stimulate reflex activity throughout the upper digestive tract. The whole herb has appetizer, aromatic, bitter, cholagogue, diaphoretic, digestive, and emetic, weakly febrifuge, hepatic, stomachic and tonic properties. It acts on the liver and kidneys, purifies the blood and is an excellent tonic for the digestive system. Externally, the fresh green herb is said to be a good application to wounds and sores.

    A long-lasting bright yellowish-green dye is obtained from the flowers.



    Prefers a well-drained sandy loam with some peat, and a sunny position. Plants are not easy to grow in a garden. Sow February to May in situ or as soon as it is ripe in situ. Germination is usually rapid.


    HARVESTED: 2021*

    APPROX. 300+ SEEDS