• Sison amomum ‘Stone Parsley’ 100+ SEEDS


    Sison amomum 
    'Stone Parsley'

    Apiaceae: an annual/biennial to 1m. Found in hedge banks and roadsides, usually on calcareous soils. The flowers are white, small (1-2mm), in umbels with 3-6 uneven rays. Blooming from July to September. Bracts linear, short. Fruit almost globose. An erect hairless plant with a nauseating smell when crushed. Stems solid, finely ridged. Leaves pinnate, with 5-9 pairs, oblong, toothed leaflets, often lobed. Native to Southern and western Europe from Britain and France to the Mediterranean, Western Asia and Algeria.



    The roots can be cooked. It is said to taste like celery. The aromatic leaves and seed are used as a condiment.

    The whole plant has carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic properties.



    Surface sow seeds warm. Sow late spring or early autumn in situ. Grows best on well-drained neutral and alkaline soils. full fun to part-shade.


    HARVESTED: 2020

    APPROX. 100+ SEEDS