• Campanula rapunculus 'Rampion Bellflower’ 300+ SEEDS

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    Campanula rapunculus 

    'Rampion Bellflower'

    Campanulaceae: an upright biennial to 1m. Found on grassy places and roadside verges. The flowers are 1-2cm long, bell-shaped and pale blue, and held erect, blooming from June-August. The leaves are narrow and slightly toothed. Europe-Mediterranean, but Introduced in Britain.



    The root can be raw or cooked. They have a very nice sweet flavour, reminiscent of walnuts. They are best mixed with other root vegetables and used in winter salads The leaves can be used raw or cooked. They have a mild flavour with a pleasant sweetness, it can be used as a major ingredient in salads.



    Rapidly germinating, keep seed in constant moisture (not wet) with temperatures of about +20°C [68°F]. Seeds must be covered thinly. Do not cover very small seeds, but tightly press into the earth. Likes a well-drained calcareous soils particularly those on chalk and limestone. EASY!


    HARVESTED: 2021*

    APPROX. 300+ SEEDS