• Taraxacum albidum ‘Japanese White Dandelion’ 20 SEEDS


    Taraxacum albidum

    ‘Japanese White Dandelion’

    Asteraceae: The deeply lobed leaves of this tap-rooted perennial plant form a basal rosette from which the long, slightly downy, unbranched hollow flower stalks to around 40 cm (1 ft 4in). White flowers with yellow centres, from late spring into autumn. Sun to light shade in any well-drained, moisture retentive soil. Native to Southern Japan, and rare in cultivation.


    Sow from March to June. Cover seed thinly, press in gently and keep top of compost from drying out. Keep pot warm at 15 to 20°C until germination, then move to somewhere cooler.

    HARVESTED: 2024