Hydrangeaceae: a deciduous erect shrub 6 to 8 ft high. Leaves ovate or oval, with long drawn-out points. Flowers slightly scented, white, about 1.4 in. across, produced in erect racemes of five to eleven flowers. Philadelphus satsuma is endemic to Japan.
Very rare here in cultivation, easily grown in sun or shade in any type of fertile drained soil.
Very fine seed. Add a small amount of sand to seed, mix well and spread thinly on prepared sowing surface. Mist in. Seed needs light to germinate so do not cover. Place a clear cover over your sowing pot/tray and give 4 weeks of cold stratification (2-4°C) but do not let freeze. Germinate at 15-20°C when cold stratification period is over. Never let super tiny seedlings dry out nor should you over water them hence the sand for drainage.