• Tanacetum vulgare 'Tansy' [Ex. Co. Durham, England] 1000+ SEEDS


    Tanacetum vulgare 'Tansy'

    [Ex. Co. Durham, England]

    Asteraceae: robust, upright perennial to 75cm, the whole plant is strongly aromatic. Found growing on roadside verges, hedgerows and disturbed ground. The flowers are golden-yellow, button-like heads 7-12mm across, in flat-topped, umbel-like clusters up to 12cm, blooming from July-October. The leaves are yellowish green, pinnately divided with deeply cut lobes. Common and widespread throughout Britain. Native to most of Europe, including Britain, to the Caucasus, Armenia and Siberia.


    The young leaflets can be used raw or cooked, they can be added in small quantities to salads. The plant is also used as a flavouring, it is a substitute for nutmeg and cinnamon. The flowers have a unique flavour and are eaten or used as a garnish. Also a bitter, somewhat lemon-flavoured tea is made from the leaves and flowering stems.

    Tansy is a commonly grown domestic remedy, useful in treating a wide range of complaints, though it is little used in modern herbalism. Its main value is as a vermifuge to expel intestinal worms and, to a lesser degree, to help stimulate menstrual bleeding. The leaves and flowering tops are anthelmintic, antispasmodic, bitter, carminative, emmenagogue, stimulant and tonic. An infusion of the leaves or whole plant is used to treat menstrual irregularities and as an anthelmintic, especially for children. It is also valuable in treating hysteria, kidney weaknesses, stomach problems, fevers and also as an emmenagogue. Externally, tansy is used as a poultice on swellings and some eruptive skin diseases. It is also used externally to kill lice, fleas and scabies.

    Because it contains thujone, Tansy can be toxic if used in large amounts and should be used with caution.


    Sow seeds in spring in a greenhouse, only just cover the seed and do not allow the pot to dry out. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots once they are large enough to handle and plant out in the summer.


    HARVESTED: 2022

    APPROX. 1000+ SEEDS