• Linaria purpurea 'Purple Toadflax' 300+ SEEDS


    Linaria purpurea 

    'Purple Toadflax'

    Scrophulariaceae: a vigorous perennial to 70cm with erect stems. Found on waste ground, waysides, and walls. The purple flowers are 1.5cm long in slender terminal racemes. Blooming from July-October. The linear leaves are from 2-5cm in length. Native to Central Italy to Sicily, but found growing wild as an introduced species many parts of the world, including Britain.



    Linaria purpurea is a food source plant for the larvae of some species of Lepidoptera. It is rich in nectar and is very attractive to bees.

    Very good nectar plant for bees and butterflies.



    Propagate by surface sowing seeds in pots in a cold frame in early spring. Grow in moderately fertile, light, well-drained soil; sandy soil is ideal. Full sun essential. Plants will self-seed quite happily.


    HARVESTED: 2019

    APPROX. 300+ SEEDS