• Mahonia aquifolium ‘Oregon Grape’ 30+ SEEDS


    Mahonia aquifolium 

    'Oregon Grape'

    Berberidaceae: evergreen shrub growing to 1m tall. Found in mixed coniferous woods. Pinnate leaves consisting of spiny leaflets, and dense clusters of yellow flowers in early spring, followed by dark bluish-black berries. Western North America. Naturalized in Britain.



    The fruit are eaten raw or cooked, they are almost as large as a blackcurrant and is produced in large bunches so it is easy to harvest. It has an acid flavour, but it is rather nice raw and is especially good when added to a porridge or muesli. Unfortunately, there is relatively little flesh and a lot of seeds, though some plants have larger and juicier fruits. The cooked fruit tastes somewhat like blackcurrants. The fruit can also be dried and stored for later use. The flowers can be used raw; they can be used to make a lemonade-like drink.

    Oregon grape was often used by several native North American Indian tribes to treat loss of appetite and debility. Its current herbal use is mainly in the treatment of gastritis and general digestive weakness, to stimulate the kidney and gallbladder function and to reduce catarrhal problems. The root and root bark is alterative, blood tonic, cholagogue, diuretic, laxative and tonic. It improves the digestion and absorption and is taken internally in the treatment of psoriasis, syphilis, haemorrhages, stomach complaints and impure blood conditions. Externally, it has been used as a gargle for sore throats and as a wash for blurry or bloodshot eyes. The roots are harvested in late autumn or early spring and dried for later use. The fruit is an excellent gentle and safe laxative. Berberine, universally present in rhizomes of Mahonia species, has marked antibacterial effects and is used as a bitter tonic. Since it is not appreciably absorbed by the body, it is used orally in the treatment of various enteric infections, especially bacterial dysentery.

    A yellow dye is obtained from the inner bark of the stem and roots.



    A very easy plant to grow, thriving in any good garden soil and tolerating dense shade under trees.

    The seed should be sown as soon as possible in late winter or spring. 3 weeks cold stratification will improve its germination, which should take place in 3 - 6 months at 10°C. Prick out the seedlings when they are large enough to handle and grow them on in a cold frame for at least their first winter.


    HARVESTED: 2019